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The Truth About Website Page Speed
We’ve been fielding a lot of questions about website page speed. It's important. But automated page speed reports and analyzers only tell half the story. Here is what you need to know about website page speed, why it's important, when it's not important, and the practical things that you can do to strike the right balance.
Top Five Tips to Control Costs in Microsoft Azure
When you are using any large public cloud infrastructure – Azure included – there are a few potential issues to keep an eye out for. The biggest is cost. Note that I didn’t say “price,” I said “cost.” Let's take a look at some of the ways businesses and enterprises can control their cloud hosting costs in Microsoft Azure.
Why ASP.NET Core Is the Modern Development Platform of Choice for Business and Enterprise Web Applications
We’ve written a lot about ASP.NET Core. Our team has been using it from day one – largely due to the significant performance gains (more on that in a minute). There are lots of other reasons developers and admins like the platform as well. But technical nuances are not how most corporate VPs and C-level executives make decisions. Fortunately, there are a lot of real-world, practical reasons why businesses and enterprises are moving their projects to ASP.NET Core … the kinds of things that impact the bottom line and warm the hearts or the most conservative CFOs. Here's what you need to know.
.NET Core: Where We Are Now and the Arrival of .NET Core 3.0
The continuing development of the .NET Core framework continues to advance at a rapid pace. The breadth and scope of those advancements is a continuing sign of Microsoft’s commitment to the platform with a focus on open-source software and cross-platform functionality. There are a lot more great updates coming soon, and they are worth touching on. But let’s begin with where we are now.
When to Fix, Update, or Build a New Company Website
We build a lot of successful websites for businesses and enterprise organizations. Sometimes our existing customers ask, and sometimes friends and associates ask, “Do we need a new website?” But that’s not the right question. Actually, you need to start with three questions first.
Critical Factors in Selecting a Hosting Provider for Mission Critical Websites and Apps
Some recent events have demonstrated some of the challenges that can come from these arrangements. Twice in the last week we have been asked to jump in and help when a system or process has been disrupted by the hosting environment or the environment has not been available to assist when a disruption has occurred, resulting in significant outages, unnecessary heartache and costs, and more than a few sleepless nights for our customers’ in-house IT teams. When we’re asked about what’s important to consider when choosing a hosting provider, here’s what we say.