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Putting Your Money Where Your Mouth Is by Supporting Open Source

IowaComputerGurus has always been an advocate for open-source software projects. As publishers and maintainers of more than two dozen open-source projects of our own — and strong supporters of many additional projects, including Microsoft .NET - it's fair to say we're big believers in the entire open-source ecosystem.
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State of the .NET Union: .NET 5.0 Preview Release 8

.NET 5.0 Preview Release 8 is LIVE. Not only is Microsoft following an aggressive development schedule for .NET 5.0, but they are achieving their objective — hitting all of the projected milestones with marginal delays. The preview releases that we have been monitoring are demonstrating solid work and attention to detail. Here is what you need to know in the run-up to the most important advancement in code since ... well, since the invention of .NET.
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The .NET Foundation & Why It Matters

If you’ve been following our articles and work over the last few years, you know that we are big fans of the .NET Core development framework. We think that it is THE business software and website development platform of today and the future. It’s great. But what really stands out is how .NET Core is an expression of the what we call Microsoft 4.0 – a New Golden Age of Microsoft.
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Blurred Lines: How Open-Source Makes For-Profit Companies Better

When it comes to technology professionals, topics tend to dissolve into the equivalent of existential religious debate. Windows or Linux … Mac or PC … hosting or cloud … Android or iOS … and inevitably, commercial software or open-source? But that’s changing. Because in the long run, the only thing the market wants and the only thing that businesses want if for the technology to work, run fast, be secure, and be easy to use … and even a little entertaining if we can get away with it.