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Supreme Court Sales Internet Tax Ruling: South Dakota v. Wayfair

Depending on who you are listening to, the Supreme Court’s recent ruling on the right of individual states to charge sales tax on internet transactions is either a small blip on the economics of internet retail or the end of eCommerce as we know it. The reality is that it’s something far more boring … it’s an open door for governmental regulation and additional economic friction.
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Blurred Lines: How Open-Source Makes For-Profit Companies Better

When it comes to technology professionals, topics tend to dissolve into the equivalent of existential religious debate. Windows or Linux … Mac or PC … hosting or cloud … Android or iOS … and inevitably, commercial software or open-source? But that’s changing. Because in the long run, the only thing the market wants and the only thing that businesses want if for the technology to work, run fast, be secure, and be easy to use … and even a little entertaining if we can get away with it.
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Navigating the GDPR: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Will Impact Your Business and Your Website … Here’s What You Need to Know

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was adopted by central EU governmental authorities to augment and supersede the previous Data Protection Directive which came into effect in 1995. Chances are, if you are doing business in the EU and your website was created by a professional development team, your website likely follows many of those recommendations already. Importantly, the guidelines of the Data Protection Directive were just that – a set of guidelines.
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Choosing the Best Cloud or Hosting Solution for Your App or Website

We still get asked this question all the time. Once we have helped a customer build their application or website, they want our advice on where they should they put it. It’s a great question, because the “right” answer has changed over time as project requirements and hosting technologies have changed. And even today the answer can be different depending on your individual business needs and the industry that you are in. So, let’s start with a brief overview of the differences between the four broad categories of application and website hosting and then drill down to discover what our go-to recommendation is for most businesses today.
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Website Security – SSL Is Not Enough

If everything we knew about hackers, ransomware, identity theft, and website security was limited to reports from the major media, no one would ever build a website again. Yes, the internet landscape has its dangers. But the truth of the matter is that the real risk to the vast majority of the websites out there is that they have not been well-maintained, are out of date, or have not implemented basic security measures.
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Introduction to Let’s Encrypt Website Security – Free TLS/SSL Certificates for Everyone

The internet is all about the disruption of established business models. But that disruption is not limited to virtual vs bricks-and-mortar businesses. Sometimes – often – internet and web technologies disrupt themselves.