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The Biggest Announcements from Microsoft Build 2020: The Community Weighs In
Microsoft Build is one of the biggest events each year for developers. If you write code for .NET, C#, or any other development platform on the Microsoft stack, then MSBuild is Christmas morning — tons of new toys to open up and start playing with. We asked notable Microsoft Community members what the biggest, coolest, or most important announcements coming out of MSBuild 2020. Here’s what they said.
The Future of Tech Security: The Age of COVID & Beyond
As I write this, virtually the entire industrialized world is in lock-down quarantine in response to the COVID-19. And since we are obsessed with security, it will not surprise you that we have turned out attention to the challenges — some new, some that have been around for years — that are highlighted by the situation. Let's take a look.
Microsoft Update for March 2020
While we are all working remotely — including at Microsoft — the team in Redmond has made a few important announcements this month. So let’s take a look at what’s going on in the world of Windows, .NET, 365, and the Azure Cloud at The Edge.
Microsoft’s “Patch Tuesday” Update Held Some Surprises
If you have been living in the Microsoft .NET ecosystem as long as we have, you eagerly wait for the second Tuesday of each month for Microsoft’s monthly scheduled update release that covers nearly all of their products and services. Microsoft’s “Patch Tuesday” is almost a monthly holiday event. The Patch Tuesday release on February 11, 2020, was bigger than usual and held a few surprises. Here is an overview.
Build Secure Applications & Websites Using .NET Core 3.1
Is .NET 3.1 Secure? The short answer is “yes.” The longer answer is that — just like with any development framework — .NET Core is as safe as the development best practices and maintenance deployed to create the code and keep it updated. Here is our overview along with additional references and links to keep your sites and applications safe.
2020 State of the Public Cloud Market Report
We are about to start a new decade, and that suggests a time for reflection. 2019 was a big year for the Big 3 of global public clouds — Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. The entire market has shifted and 2020 might be a tipping point. Join us on a journey into the heart of the global public cloud business and let's take a look into the future together.