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Examining Website Age: Knowing When a Site Is Too Old and the Benefits of Upgrading

Websites are one of the most critical elements of a business's online presence. However, like all technology, they age over time. Knowing when your website age impacts your online success is essential for maintaining relevance and effectiveness. If your site no longer serves its intended purpose, it may be time for an upgrade. But how can you tell when your website is too old?
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Build Secure Applications & Websites Using .NET Core 3.1

Is .NET 3.1 Secure? The short answer is “yes.” The longer answer is that — just like with any development framework — .NET Core is as safe as the development best practices and maintenance deployed to create the code and keep it updated. Here is our overview along with additional references and links to keep your sites and applications safe.
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Inrupt on the Solid Web Platform Is a New Paradigm of Privacy and Data Ownership

The creator of the World Wide Web has been operating in pre-launch stealth mode to develop a new, disruptive change to the way personal and social data is controlled and owned on the internet. If they are successful, it could upend the business models of the Facebooks and Googles of the world in deeply meaningful ways. Here’s what you need to know.