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Build Secure Applications & Websites Using .NET Core 3.1

Is .NET 3.1 Secure? The short answer is “yes.” The longer answer is that — just like with any development framework — .NET Core is as safe as the development best practices and maintenance deployed to create the code and keep it updated. Here is our overview along with additional references and links to keep your sites and applications safe.
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.NET Core 3 Preview Release 1 Arrives from Microsoft

Most of us here have been waiting eagerly for more news about .NET Core 3. We’re like Black Friday shoppers waiting outside BestBuy at dawn – we just KNOW we’re going to get something good. And so we did. Here's a summary of the new crazy tech goodness coming out of our favorite development framework as announced at Microsoft Connect(): 2018.
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Inrupt on the Solid Web Platform Is a New Paradigm of Privacy and Data Ownership

The creator of the World Wide Web has been operating in pre-launch stealth mode to develop a new, disruptive change to the way personal and social data is controlled and owned on the internet. If they are successful, it could upend the business models of the Facebooks and Googles of the world in deeply meaningful ways. Here’s what you need to know.
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When to Fix, Update, or Build a New Company Website

We build a lot of successful websites for businesses and enterprise organizations. Sometimes our existing customers ask, and sometimes friends and associates ask, “Do we need a new website?” But that’s not the right question. Actually, you need to start with three questions first.
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Critical Factors in Selecting a Hosting Provider for Mission Critical Websites and Apps

Some recent events have demonstrated some of the challenges that can come from these arrangements. Twice in the last week we have been asked to jump in and help when a system or process has been disrupted by the hosting environment or the environment has not been available to assist when a disruption has occurred, resulting in significant outages, unnecessary heartache and costs, and more than a few sleepless nights for our customers’ in-house IT teams. When we’re asked about what’s important to consider when choosing a hosting provider, here’s what we say.
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Navigating the GDPR: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Will Impact Your Business and Your Website … Here’s What You Need to Know

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was adopted by central EU governmental authorities to augment and supersede the previous Data Protection Directive which came into effect in 1995. Chances are, if you are doing business in the EU and your website was created by a professional development team, your website likely follows many of those recommendations already. Importantly, the guidelines of the Data Protection Directive were just that – a set of guidelines.